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Radislav Jovović



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The Dialectic of Economy and Politics

Radislav Jovović

About the book

In his latest book, author Radislav Jovović explores the dialectics of economics and politics, and its impact on the current situation in the world. Today, in all domains of life, despite remarkable good things, also very bad things happen: the world of money prevails, the tyranny of money and profit, and the tyranny of short-term success without other regulations except egoism, which led to disloyalty and destruction; unfortunately, there is no room for another ethics, another relationship in the world, which would give it a meaning. A present gloomy outlook for the world economy, with a large divisions in disparities, is a great temptation for economics and politics. This book has the ambition to provide a better knowledge of opportunities and prospects for an individual, company, and nation, and to enable them to navigate easier in a complex globalized world. It provides important insights necessary to make the best decisions in today’s extremely complex and imperfect world.

Table of contents